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Welcome to

Variety - the Children's Charity of the United States

A beacon of hope dedicated to transforming the lives of underprivileged children. For years, Variety has been at the forefront of providing practical support, life-changing equipment, and unforgettable experiences to children who need them the most. Our mission is clear: to enable children to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or abilities.

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Meet Our Fundraising Ambassadors

A Personal Approach to Fundraising

To spread our message and engage with the community, we are a proud partner of OUR CHANGE FOUNDATION Ambassador Campaign. The campaign provides experienced and trained ambassadors in local areas to promote our mission, support and involvement and is  vital in building awareness and gathering crucial funds for Variety – the Children’s Charity of the United States.


They are not just ambassadors; they are storytellers, educators, and advocates for change. Engaging in one-to-one conversations, they provide information, accept donations, and offer assistance on applying for help. This personal approach ensures transparency, fosters trust, and builds lasting relationships within the community.

Ambassadors will be in and around Nashville, TN and are easily identifiable by their branded lanyards or bags, and are stationed outside local retail shops and on city sidewalks.

Donation Process

Experience transparent and secure giving: donate through OUR CHANGE DAF, ensuring compliance and direct support to Variety – the Children's Charity of the United States.

Partnership for Compliance and Clarity

We have partnered with OUR CHANGE DAF, a nationally registered 501(c)(3) public charity, to handle all donations. This collaboration ensures compliance with regulations and maintains transparency in our fundraising efforts.

Donation Process

When you make a donation, your funds are directed to the Variety - the Children’s Charity of the United States DAF within the OUR CHANGE Foundation DAF. OUR CHANGE DAF is a sponsor of donor-advised funds, which means they manage the distribution of the donations.

Fund Allocation

After deducting any necessary expenses, OUR CHANGE Foundation then allocates the funds to Variety – the Children's Charity. This ensures that your contributions are utilized effectively and reach the intended cause.

Security and Compliance

All credit card donations are processed following Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations. This commitment to security ensures the protection of your financial data throughout the transaction process.

Through this structured process, we can assure donors that their contributions are managed responsibly and with the utmost care, supporting our mission while upholding financial security and regulatory compliance.

Campaign Partner

on a mission to power honest charitable giving for the digital world. For more information visit


Thank You

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out or fill out the contact form and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

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